====== Caveats ====== Here you can find a list of known minor problems that you might encounter while working with the extension. We hope they’ll be fixed some day, but at the moment, just be aware of them. ===== PlusCal algorithm boundaries detection ===== The following PlusCal algorithm declarations are totally correct: (* -- algorithm Abc { { skip; } } *) (* -- algorithm Abc begin skip; end algorithm; *) yet the extension doesn’t highlight them properly. In order to make them detected as a PlusCal algorithms, the declaration must start on the first line of the comment. The closing curly bracket or the ''%%end algorithm%%'' clause should be on the last line of the comment. This works: (* -- algorithm Abc { { skip; } } *) or (* -- algorithm Abc begin skip end algorithm; *) [[https://github.com/alygin/vscode-tlaplus/issues/104|Related issue]]. ===== Poor PlusCal C-syntax support ===== At the moment, some extension features don’t work well with PlusCal algorithms that use C-syntax. Primarily, those are features that relate to syntax highlighting and everything that relies on symbols symbols detection (outline panel, go to symbol, go to declaration etc.)