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start [2024/10/21 22:13] fponzistart [2024/10/21 22:18] (current) fponzi
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 This wiki is community driven, and aims to become a useful resource for TLA+ users. This wiki is community driven, and aims to become a useful resource for TLA+ users.
-===== TLA+ ======+===== TLA+ and TLC ====== 
 +TLA+ is a high-level language for modeling programs and systems--especially concurrent and distributed ones.  It's based on the idea that the best way to describe things precisely is with simple mathematics.  TLA+ and its tools are useful for eliminating fundamental design errors, which are hard to find and expensive to correct in code. 
 +TLC is a model checker for specifications written in TLA+. 
 <code> <code>
----------------------- MODULE HourClock ----------------------+----- MODULE HourClock -----
 EXTENDS Naturals EXTENDS Naturals
Line 11: Line 13:
 HCnxt  ==  hr' = IF hr # 12 THEN hr + 1 ELSE 1 HCnxt  ==  hr' = IF hr # 12 THEN hr + 1 ELSE 1
 HC  ==  HCini /\ [][HCnxt]_hr HC  ==  HCini /\ [][HCnxt]_hr
 THEOREM  HC => []HCini THEOREM  HC => []HCini
 +----- CONFIG HourClock ----- 
 +(* This is a TLC configuration file for testing that HCini is an invariant *) 
 +(* of the specification HC                                                 *) 
 +   \* This statement tells TLC that HC is the specification that it 
 +   \* should check. 
 +   \* This statement tells TLC to check that formula HCini is an 
 +   \* invariant of the specification--in other words, that the 
 +   \* specification implies []HCini. 
 </code> </code>
  • start.1729548812.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/10/21 22:13
  • by fponzi