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TLA+ Liveness Checking Algorithm
- Understanding how the liveness checking algorithm works
- Understand how the code for the liveness checking works
- Produce documentation or other materials to help others understand it
- This Naturals module has unused code copied from the Integers module: /home/fponzi/dev/tlaplus/tlatools/org.lamport.tlatools/src/tlc2/module/
java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=*:5005 \ -jar ./dist/tla2tools.jar \ -lncheck final -fpmem 0.65 -fp 120 \ -seed -8286054000752913025 \ -workers 1 \ -config /tmp/elevator.cfg \ /tmp/simple.tla
---- MODULE simple ---- EXTENDS Naturals VARIABLE x Init == x = 1 Next == IF x = 5 THEN UNCHANGED x ELSE x' = x + 1 Spec == Init ∧ □[Next]_x ∧ WF_x(Next) \*Liveness == (x = 1) ⇒ ◇□(x = 5) Liveness2 == <>[](x = 5) ==== ----- CONFIG simple ----- SPECIFICATION Spec PROPERTIES Liveness2 ======
TODO: Explore the implementation using some new tests.
Unit tests are completely lacking, apparently.
- Initializes Model Checker
- Calls Abstract Checker
- Initializes CostModelCreator
- Initializes LiveCheck if liveness is requested.
if (this.checkLiveness) {
- LiveCheck constructor will call
to generate the OrderOfSolution.*The method processLiveness normalizes the list of temporals and * impliedTemporals to check their validity, and to figure out the order and * manner in which things should ultimately be checked. This method returns * a handle, which can subsequently be passed to the other liveness things.*
- First, this method calls parseLiveness.
- ParseLiveness returns a LiveExprNode in the form of liveness(fairness) \/ ~livecheck
- Where liveness(fairness) is basically the WF_vars(Next)
- Livecheck contains the actions used to check for liveness, as defined in the config file.
- Then:
*Give tags to all action and state predicates, for equality checking (tlc2.tool.liveness.LiveExprNode.equals(LiveExprNode)). We tag them here so that, if disjunct normal form (DNF) should happen to duplicate expressions, then they will still have the same tag.*
- And then:
*Converting the formula to DNF pushes negation inside (see LiveExprNode#pushNeg). This is important later when the promises are extracted (see LiveExprNode#extractPromises).* - Then:
// IV: // Now we will turn DNF into a format that can be tested by the // tableau method. The first step is to collect everything into // pems+lexps: listof-(listof-<>[],[]<> /\ tf). // // "pems": Possible Error Models // "lexps": Liveness expressions ? // // In other words, for each junction of the disjunct normal form, classify DNF // into four Vects in OSExprPem with A an action and S a state-predicate: // // 1) <>[]A: "Eventually Always Actions" OSExprPem#AEAction // 2) []<>A: "Always Eventually Actions" OSExprPem#EAAction // 3) <>[]S: "Eventually Always States" OSExprPem#AEState // 4) tf: "temporal formulae with no actions" OSExprPem#tfs // // For example, below is what happens for a simple spec: // // VARIABLE x // Spec == x = 0 /\ [][x'=x+1]_x /\ WF_x(x'=x+1) \* LNDisj(LNNeg(LNStateEnabled) \/ LNAction) in OSExprPem#AEAction // // Prop1 == <>[][x' > x]_x \* LNNeg(LNAction) in OSExprPem#AEAction // Prop2 == []<>(<<x' > x>>_x) \* LNNeg(LNAction) in OSExprPem#EAAction // Prop3 == <>[](x \in Nat) \* LNNeg(LNState) in OSExprPem#AEState // Prop4 == <>(x \in Nat) \* LNAll(LNNeg(LNStateAST) in OSExprPem#tfs //
- Then:
// V: // Now, we will create our OrderOfSolutions. We lump together all // disjunctions that have the same tf. This will happen often in // cases such as (WF /\ SF) => (WF /\ SF /\ TF), since the WF and // SF will be broken up into many cases and the TF will remain the // same throughout. (Incidentally, we're checking equality on TFs // just syntactically. This is hopefully sufficient, because we // haven't done any real rearrangement of them, apart from munging // up \/ and /\ above them. tfbin contains the different tf's. // pembin is a vect of vect-of-pems collecting each tf's pems.
- Tfbin is an array of Tableau Particles. This is the doc:
/** * See Section 5.5 "Particle Tableaux" in Temporal Verification of Reactive * Systems *Safety* by Zohar Manna and Amir Pnueli. * <p> * A {@link TBPar} means Tableau Particle. A particle is an incomplete atom * because it only adheres to a relaxed version of atoms. Due to its * incompleteness, it results in a more efficient tableau since its size is less * than that with complete atoms. However, it does not lose generality. * <p> * The formulas are in positive form, meaning negation * is only applied to state formulas. The state formulas are not kept in * {@link TBPar}, but in {@link TBGraphNode#statePreds} instead. There is also where the * successors of the particle are held. * <p> * TLA+ supports only future formulas and no past temporal operators (compare * with p. 43 fig. 0.15), thus it uses the PART-TAB algorithm (p. 456) for the * tableau construction. */
- Then: VI: We then create an OrderOfSolution for each tf in tfbin.
- There is also an option to write the Tableau graph to disk:
Uncomment to write the tableau in dot format to disk.*
- Then:
// VII: // We lump all the pems into a single checkState and checkAct, // and oss[i].pems will simply be integer lookups into them. // // At this point, the temporal formulae are done and only the `[]<>A`, `<>[]A`, and `[]<>S` // are added to the OOS. The OOS holds the `[]<>S` and the union of `[]<>A` and `<>[]A` // (OOS#checkState and OOS#checkAction). The PossibleErrorModel stores the indices into // OOS#checkState and OOS#checkAction. // // The split into OrderOfSolution (OOS) and PossibleErrorModel (PEM) appears to // be a code-level optimization to speed-up the check of the liveness/behavior-graph // in LiveWorker.
- Because this solution has no Tableau, a livechecker is created:
checker[soln] = new LiveChecker(solutions[soln], soln, bucketStatistics, writer);
- But this is an array, so depending on the OrderOfSolution, different formulas might need a TableauLiveChecker or a LiveChecker.